Friday, March 15, 2019


This is Angel and he is my customer. He had a tough child. His mother immigrated here from the Dominican Republic before he was born and until he was 5 years old, Spanish was the language he knew the most. Angel is currently 17 years old. Angel's mother was able to get a decent education in the Dominican Republic and saved up enough money to live in the USA. But because she didn't speak much English when she first moved to the USA, she was only able to get a job in a convenient store that pays just over minimum wage.
Angel is bright. He only got one question wrong on his calculus exam. But he's struggling in his other classes because he doesn't care. He's smart, but he's only really known a modest life, so he didn't think his education would be worth it.
Angel is an ideal customer because my mentorship program would love to motivate minors to go down the right path. It is easier to alter the path of a minor than completely uproot the path of a middle aged person. Although the mentorship program would hopefully help many people, this is just one example of an ideal customer.
Although me and Angel differ in many ways, there are also parallels. Although I did okay in school, I didn't really feel like it was worth it, so I didn't give my all in my classes. I also grew up in a household with not much money. Which means that I am now paying for my education, housing, phone bill, internet, utilities, and food out of pocket. I want to be able to show people alternatives to this kind of lifestyle.

1 comment:

  1. Patrick,

    Once again, great job with your blog post! It really seems like you put a lot of time and effort into this assignment. Your avatar's story/upbringing seems really well thought out and creative. I like how you made an avatar have some parallels to yourself, but is not completely identical to yourself.
