Friday, January 25, 2019

Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

Regulatory Changes

1. Plastic bag ban
b. There are always hidden opportunities within subjects relating to sustainability. Being that Gainesville is about to ban plastic and Styrofoam, companies that make compostable  materials or resusable bags for example, can find a market in Gainesville.
c. The restaurants and local businesses here in Gainesville must comply with these changes or they will be subjected to a fine. This means they must look to other places for their products.
d. This opportunity may be harder to exploit at first, being that environmentalism is often an investment. For example, the owner of Mi Apá has already transitioned to paper boxes and has told the public that although they are paying more, they believe they are ultimately making a big step.

I see this opportunity because I am interested in sustainability. I understand that there is a lot to invest in the subject.

2. Minimum age to buy tobacco shifts to 21
b. The opportunity here is more broad and corny. I would say that now people have more of an opportunity to live life, being that they won't be hooked on tobacco at a young age. A more cynical opportunity is the tobacco outlets and gas stations right outside of Alachua County now have an opportunity to exploit those under 21 within the county. Some business will travel to them because there are kids desperate enough to get their fix within this county.
c. Everyone under the age of 21 must comply to this ordinance. Being that this is a college town, this is a big chunk of the population.
d. It will be easier for kids to exploit their life opportunity. It will also be easy for businesses outside of the county to exploit their opportunity being that they will have to do nothing and will automatically get more business.

This is another opportunity that impacts people I know who are smokers. I know people who may stop their tobacco use, or may travel to another county to get their fix.

Economic trends

1. Solar Energy
b. Local businesses, corporations, households, and any place that relies on electricity for their day to day operations now have an opportunity. Especially in Gainesville. Solar Impact is a local company that installs PV for private and public entities alike. They have helped Gainesville become a "world leader" in solar power.
c. Large corporations may start seeing how much environmental concerns are shifting the way people consume. If they add PV cells to their buildings, corporations may be declared environmentally aware and more customers would walk their way.
4. It will be hard for those living in low income households to take advantage of this. If consumption is high in a certain home, the first priority should be to reduce consumption, because solar power won't fix the financial problems associated with overconsumption.

This is an opportunity that many people talk about these days. Solar energy is a cool new technology that America hasn't yet taken full advantage of.

2. Dab Pens
b. I personally don't enjoy the effects of marijuana, but as recreational cannabis is becoming legal in a variety of different states, vape pens are becoming all the rage.
c.  This is what smoke shops should be investing in. If they haven't already, they are missing out on an opportunity.
d. It is hard for shops in states where recreational marijuana use is illegal to take full advantage of this opportunity. It is especially hard for states neighboring states such as Washington or Colorado, who have completely legalized the use of cannabis, to take advantage of this opportunity. Shops in states that haven't yet legalized recreational weed will receive slack from the government for making pens that can be easily rigged.

This opportunity is prevalent in my local community as it abroad. I see this as an opportunity because I have friends with dab pens and I understand that a lot of people own these machines these days.

Identifying Local Opportunities

I, like many others, decided to support the local “Independent Florida Alligator” and look into the work of future journalists for this nation. I was pleasantly surprised to see many well written articles, some about the problems of the community and the nation; and others written with a more optimistic viewpoint. 1. Man and woman accused of stealing credit, social security cards- Their bond is set at about $1.8 million each Christopher Lee Grisby and Amber Marie Morreale made several mistakes before getting pulled over on January 23rd. They were not only in possession of many social security cards and credit cards. They were also in possession of crystal meth. They also had cannabis on hand, probably to take the edge off because committing crime is a stressful endeavor. The problem seems obvious. A couple steals identities and they go to prison. And they DO deserve punishment. It’s rather unfortunate that Christopher Lee Grisby will likely get life in prison due to the 3 strikes law, and many people probably think it’s a justifiable life sentence. But maybe his school system failed him. Maybe he had terrible parents. Maybe a friend introduced crystal meth to him earlier in his life, and it had completely changed demeanor. There are many factors at play. Amber Marie Morreale only has one other prior conviction, so she may receive a lighter sentence. But she could also be the victim to a society that failed her. Obviously the people Christopher stole identities from had a problem. Some of them may have been struggling financially and noticed that there card had been stolen too late. But Christopher and Amber also have problems. Sure, they may be bad people. But maybe not.
2. Youth vaping increases in Alachua County Youth vaping has increased about 60 percent in two years. This article explains how more youth in our community are becoming exposed to nicotine. According to this article “15.1 percent of youth, from ages 11 to 17, use an electronic vape. In 2016, only 9.5 percent were using.” The article explains that JUUL accounts for most of the increase in usage. We all knew it. I grew up in Alachua County and my sister is still in high school. When she explained to me that “everyone in her grade vapes”, I was astounded. She is in the 10th grade. Of course, I made my share of mistakes in 10th grade, but I had not dabbled with nicotine in that point. Nicotine was the one thing everybody everywhere agreed was terrible for you. Luckily, Alachua County agreed to ban nicotine products to those under 21. The children of our community are the ones being affected by this. And they are the future. They are my generation and I must help them fight this epidemic.
3. This is not a debate’: 2019 Clean Energy Campaign kicks off This article talks about how this super cool kid named Patrick Gilmartin presented his video explaining the Ready for 100 initiative which was a resolution passed by the city commission back in October. The video was the start to the 2019 clean energy and at the kickoff, several people explained the goals of 2019 including members of the UAB and members of the commission. The problem here is an international problem. Are climate is collapsing. The ozone layer is being depleted and greenhouse gases are being emitted into the atmosphere at rates previously unknown to the human race. So who is experiencing this problem. Well, you are. And so am I. And so is every single person on this planet. So everyone needs to pull their weight in order for us to get through this.
4. Ole Miss leads start to finish to down Gators The Florida Women’s basketball team was behind against ole miss the entirety of the game. During the 2nd quarter, Florida was able to reduce the deficit to just 1 point. It was looking like a comeback, but Ole Miss just completely tore up Florida in the 3rd quarter. This is a problem to the Florida Women’s basketball team. This is, for some reason, also a problem to the rest of the school. The rest of the school, including me, for some reason are full of pride when their team wins in any sport. A small sense of satisfaction trickles down our spines because for some reason when our team wins, we who had nothing to do with the outcome, also think we are winners. This is a problem to the University of Florida. We are winners. We don’t lose.
5. The downside of online education at UF This is an article that explains that although the University of Florida has a competitive online program nationally, it may not be as good as the faculty like to say it is. It explains that most of the Heavener classes (ENT3003 for example) are hybrid/completely online and this makes it tough for those work better in a traditional classroom setting. The students, such as those in the PaCE program are affected by this. People are excited about being accepted into UF because they feel that the University will help them succeed. Not because they want to work on an online program.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Forming an Opportunity Belief

I believe that Gainesville can become 100% renewable energy by 2045 and I can help by doing research for GRU.

Many people do not share this belief with me. Many don't have faith in GRU as a utility provider. Their thoughts are that GRU has a monopoly as a utility source. If we convert to more renewable energy, rates would increase substantially, and more people would petition against GRU.

I decided to talk with a professor about this subject. This professor know a lot about the subject and could provide some insight.
His name is professor Wendell Porter. He believes that to achieve 100% renewable energy:

"We shouldn't rely on GRU as an energy source. We should also lower consumption as citizens. I am surprised about the number of people who leave lights on as they leave. Think of it as a three legged stool. One leg is consumption, one leg is solar, one leg is biomass. The biomass from the biomass plant will get 1/3 of the way there, solar will get us 1/3 of the way there, and lowering consumption will get us 1/3 of the way there."

The United States uses the most energy per capita. This reminded me that we can't rely on resolutions made by local governments to save the environment. We must also do our part. We must lower our own consumption. This transition will not be a comfortable one. It will be uncomfortable.

But it is necessary.

The opportunity is still there and I can help by doing the proper research. After talking to Wendell Porter, I now know that the step is a necessary one to take.

My Entrepreneurship Story

I was once an entrepreneur. Let me take you back.
To Catalyst 2018. It was the summer semester and me and the group I was in were asked to develop a product that would solve an environmental problem and thus make the world more biologically diverse. We developed SeaFeed.

SeaFeed is a cowfeed. But it's not just any other cowfeed. It is a cowfeed that includes Asparagopsis taxiformis, which eliminates up to 95% of methane produced by cattle. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas and is destoying the ozone layer. This would be world changing. And my group helped develop it.

I joined ENT3003 because I want to learn how to get people's attention. I hope to one day be a good leader in whatever profession I choose and I believe this class will help me achieve this. It is also a part of my minor.

Bug List

The following are the things that bug me most. Enjoy.

1. I don't like it when roommates, specifically the ones with black beards and the ones majoring in English, do not clean the leftover dishes, cups, food, and paper the kitchen, dining room, and living room after throwing a party.
Because the roommate, specifically the one with a black beard and the one majoring in English, refuses to clean up his stuff after his other roommates tell him to

2. One of my bugs is when people treat the environment poorly.
This happens because people often take for granted the spaces and areas around them.

3. I don't like it when people sweep their rugs with a broom. I don't like this because of the sound it makes.
This happens because people sweep their rugs with brooms.

4. I don't like it when anybody, anywhere, at anytime, makes grits. Grits are bad.
This happens because people make grits.

5. I don't like it when dudes with huge trucks make the exhaust blow smoke.
This happens because people like to attract attention from others.

6. I don't like it when my friends make fun of me when I eat grape nuts. It's a real cereal and is kind of good sometimes.
This happens because people have never eaten grape nuts and judge grape nuts before they have even tried it.

7. I don't like it when anybody buys beef ramen over any other ramen in this world.
This happens because people have never experimented outside of beef ramen by buying chicken ramen or literally any other ramen.

8. I don't like it when people sing "Friday" by Rebecca Black on Friday. This hasn't happened to me in a very long time, but it makes me mad the few times that it has happened to me lately. Anybody who sings Friday by Rebecca Black should have to face copyright infringement and thus monetarily have to pay the consequences.
This happens because people don't understand that jokes are supposed to be enjoyable.

9. I don't like when angsty teens do things ironically. Enough said.
This happens because angsty teens don't know if what they are about to say is funny or not so they say "I'm doing or saying this ironically" to mask the fact that they actually don't know how to form a joke.

10. I don't like when people buy me candy sushi as a present because I work at a sushi restaurant.
People do this because they think no one has ever done it before and fail to realize that every other person has done this to me.

11. I don't like it when the Cha Cha Slide is played at lame parties and everybody pretends to be surprised.
The Cha Cha Slide is played at every failing party. We all understand that the Cha Cha Slide will be played at a lame party the moment we step into the party. But then people pretend like they are surprised and then they pretend to reluctantly start doing the Cha Cha Slide because they don't want others to know that they were uncomfortable at the party and were looking forward to doing something with the group at the party that everybody knows and hates doing but does anyway.

12. I don't like when friends of mine ask what Hogwarts house I am apart of.
People do this because they think it is quirky to be a Potterhead or whatever they call themselves. Sure, Harry Potter is fun. But making it a part of the everyday conversation is too far.

13. I don't like when people eat Airheads.
People do this because they don't realize there are better things than Airheads in this world. Better things such as walking on a trail, or falling in love, or rice for instance.

14. I don't like it when roommates don't recycle properly. I don't like this because I have to put the recycling and trash in the proper bins afterward.
A lot of people don't know how to recycle. But this is a whole new level. One of my roommates tried to throw away an abundant amount of candy wrappers all in a plastic bag. None of those things belong in a recycling bin.

15. I don't like it when my parents ask me questions about my life.
My parents are fine. They are fine people. but every time I go over there they ask me about my life and I know it is because they are lonely and closer to death, but they don't have to always be so curious. I liked it better in the days when my dad would make fun of my acne and call it a day.

16. I don't like that my girlfriend doesn't make fun of me.
She's so nice and it really throws me off. It throws me off because I want to make fun of people all the time, and when people are nice to me, it's hard for me to make fun of them.

17. I don't like it when people call me bud.
To be honest, I don't know why people do this. The only explanation is that they are trying to make me uncomfortable. Morris calls me bud all the time and I don't like it.

18. I don't like it when people show me memes on iFunny.
I don't get it and people don't get that I don't get it and that's why they show me memes on ifunny.

19. I don't like it when people only wear flip flops. A lot of people don't know this, but flip flops make a "flip flop" noise. I know this and it annoys me.
People wear flip flops because they have no longer care what others think about them.

20. I don't like it when people do anything other than watch the movie at the movie theater.
Movies are for watching. People don't understand that other people are watching the movie. Don't check your phone, talk, cry, or laugh in a movie theater. Other people are around you. Have some respect.

This assignment was rather therapeutic. I didn't want to stop at 20 because a lot of things bug me. But I figured I should stop because I was enjoying it too much. All joke aside, all of the things above genuinely annoy me. I didn't find it terribly difficult. There are a lot of imperfect things in this world. I am perfectly content with this list. 

Monday, January 14, 2019

a test

This is a test to check to see if my blog is working correctly. That is all. Thank you.
